Are you overcome with anxiety and fear because a loved one is struggling with a substance use disorder (addiction)? Or maybe you are angry, fed up, or just plain hurt? Or maybe you have become numb to it all? Addiction is known to be a Family Disease as it impact everyone in its path. As a family member, it is easy to become blinded by our loved one's addiction and loose sight of our own wellbeing because of the stark realities that accompany addiction. At Tangen Counseling we offer therapy and support for families with no stipulations around your loved one needing to be in treatment or recovering. We help you and your family no matter if the substance use is ceased or still active.
Therapy is available to family and loved ones who've been impacted by substance use disorders (addiction). Through your own therapy, you will begin to learn about the disease of addiction, how to heal from your loved one’s substance use disorder and how to best support your loved one's recovery while protecting your own wellbeing.