We provide Superbills for insurance to help clients maintain the highest confidentiality and assure that sessions can be provided based on the needs of the client. It is the responsibility of the client to submit these Superbills to their designated insurance provider to receive reimbursement for the treatment that was received at Tangen Counseling. Please be advised that there is never a guarantee that insurance will pay these reimbursements as that is solely up to their discretion.
For clients electing to self-pay for their treatment, payment is due at the time of service.
We accept the following forms of payment:
• Cash
• Credit Cards
• Health Savings Cards
• Treatment Vouchers issued through Probation Departments, and Victim Compensation.
We can also provide a Superbill for you to submit for Flex Spending Accounts.
If self-paying upfront for treatment isn't financially feasible, there are options for upfront payments that utilize Medical Lending Partners. You can choose to go with your preferred lender or one of Tangen Counseling's trusted lending partners that specialize in medical lending.
*eFinancing Solutions; Prosper Healthcare Lending; United Medical Credit; Care Credit