Comprehensive Treatment Services are uniquely curated to meet the needs of a variety of presenting problems ranging from substance misuse to behavioral health concerns. Our various programming options are fully integrated to provide trauma care despite the designated track a person is evaluated as being best suited for adults that are 18 years of age or older.
Our facility offers the following levels of care for either behavioral health treatment or substance misuse treatment:
Intensive Outpatient Programming Options
Outpatient Programming Options
Individual Therapy
Recovery Coaching
Screening and Assistance with Medication Management Services, as needed
Tangen Counseling is has partnered with Trac9 Informatics to track client outcomes. Trac9 Informatics assists us in the clinical monitoring of client symptoms in real-time with automatic scoring and graphing. This data assists in predicting clientswho are vulnerable to discharging from treatment prematurely. It measures anxiety, depression, stress, verbal craving and visual cue reactivity of craving along with commitment to recovery, optimism, and more. Outcome tracking begins from the time someone is initially admitted through 12 months post discharge to determine outcomes measures.